Drum Set Exercise: Triplet Limb Independence

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This triplet-based exercise is a great test of your independence between limbs.  Triplets are constantly trading off between two limbs while the other two limbs are keeping steady quarter notes.

Measures 1-2: triplets in hands (3 notes each), quarter notes in feet

Measures 3-4: triplets in feet (3 notes each), quarter notes in hands

Measure 5-6: triplets in right hand and left foot (3 notes each), quarter notes in right foot and left hand

Measures 7-8:  triplets in right foot and left hand (3 notes each), quarter notes in right hand and left foot

Measures 9-16: repeats the previous patterns with triplets alternating single strokes between limbs

Measures 17-18:  a “tag” ending to wrap it up

Measures 19-36: the entire exercise repeats with the left side leading instead of the right

A lot of combinations are covered here.  Have fun with this one.  Check back in two weeks for Triplet Limb Independence #2!