Multi-Tenor Etude #6: “Double Crossed”

Here is a visually exciting tenor solo from The Art of Multi-Tenor Drumming. The book contains 33 multi-tenor etudes, and this is etude #6 entitled “Double Crossed.” As the title suggests, the focus is on developing crossovers.

Here are the performance notes from the book:

This flashy etude utilizes an abundance of crossovers. The first half begins with an 8th note pattern. The second half, beginning with measure 16, utilizes the same pattern with doubles on every note. Both halves feature a repeated section—the first time through at mezzo-forte, the second time at fortissimo. Be careful not to play the mezzo-forte section too loudly; otherwise the contrast will be obscured, or you will be forced to overplay the fortissimo section. Stark dynamic contrast will really help to sell the ideas in this solo. There is a more intricate 16th note sweep section during the last two lines. Take care to aim for the proper beating spots to avoid rims. You may want to review the 16th note doubles section in the rudimental exercises [contained in the book].

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